
CUBES is a University-recognised Research Group, which is reviewed by the University Research and Innovation Committee on a five-year basis. CUBES is located within the School of Architecture and Planning and has a dedicated room on the ground floor of John Moffat Building on East Campus of Wits University. It reports quarterly to the Head of School through the School’s Extended Executive Committee and annually to the Faculty Research and Innovation Committee and the Faculty Board. 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 affiliated to CUBES are embedded in the School of Architecture and Planning with teaching and supervision roles and are brought together through a common interest in the focus area and approach of CUBES. CUBES is open to staff from other Schools and currently has participation from Geography at Wits University. CUBES is governed through a Steering Committee made up of staff members active within CUBES. A director is chosen from among these staff members and serves, if possible, for a five-year term. CUBES affiliates also include postdoctoral fellows, interns and visiting or honorary staff.
CUBES has the benefit of an Advisory Board which meets twice a year. The Advisory Board is constituted of the CUBES Director Professor Marie Huchzermeyer, the Head of School Professor Nnamdi Elleh, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Professor Thokozani Majozi, Rashid Seedat, Professor Noor Nieftagodien, Monica Albonico and Emeritus Professor Alan Mabin.