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WUMEA : Constitution

Witwatersrand University Mining Engineers? Association

This constitution will be effective from 1980 and replaces any previous constitution. All assets, liabilities, activities and responsibilities of the previous Association become the responsibility of the Association elected in terms of this constitution.

1. Name

The name of this society shall be the Witwatersrand University Mining Engineers? Association.

2. Objects

The objects of this society shall be :

2.1. to further the interests of the mining profession in general and in particular, to strengthen the ties between members of the Association

2.2. to provide opportunities for meeting together

2.3. to provide a direct link between its members, the mining profession and the University of the Witwatersrand

2.4. to provide finance enabling loans to be made to deserving students reading for a degree in Mining Engineering, Mining Geology, or at the discretion of the Executive Committee, any other engineering degree

3. Patron

3.1. The Head of the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, shall be elected as the Patron of the Association.

4. Membership

4.1. Corporate grades shall consist of :

Honorary Life Members
Life Members

4.2. Non Corporate grades shall consist of :

Associate members
雷速体育_雷速体育直播 members

4.3. Corporate membership of this Association shall be open to the holders of a B.Sc. or higher degree in Mining, Mining and Metallurgy or Mining Geology obtained at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, or its predecessors. It shall also be open to the holders of a B.Sc. degree obtained in the Minerals Process Engineering option in the Branch of Metallurgy at the University of the Witwatersrand.

4.4. Honorary Life Members ? Such members may be nominated by the Executive Committee. Ideally there shall not be more than five such members at any one time.

4.5. Life Members ? the Executive Committee may, at its discretion, grant life membership to any member who has retired from full-time active employment.

4.6. Associate Members ? The Executive Committee may admit graduates from other Mining Schools and Engineering graduates from any University as Associate Members.

4.7. 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Members ? Third and fourth year students of the University of the Witwatersrand in the Departments of Mining Engineering or Mining Geology may join the Association as 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Members. Third and fourth year students for the degree of Metallurgy in the Minerals Process Engineering option may join the Association as 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Members.

4.8. Members of 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 ? Members of the Academic 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 of the University of the Witwatersrand in the Departments of Mining Engineering. Metallurgy or Mining Geology may become Members of the Association notwithstanding qualifications under 4.3, and 4.6 above, only for the period during which they are bona fide members of the staff.

5. Meetings

5.1. General Meetings shall be held at approximately quarterly intervals and one of these shall be the Annual General Meeting. Notification of a General Meeting and of its Agenda shall be circulated to Members at least fourteen days before the date set down for such meeting.

5.2. The quorum for any general meeting shall be ten Members who shall elect a Chairman from among their number if the Chairman is not present.

5.3. If a quorum is not present, the meeting shall adjourn and then those present shall constitute the adjourned meeting and shall proceed with the business of the meeting, provided that at such an adjourned meeting no changes to the Constitution are made.

5.4. Each Corporate Member of the Association shall have one vote and the Chairman in addition a casting vote.

6. Office Bearers

6.1. At the Annual General Meeting, the following Office Bearers shall be elected from members - Chairman, Honorary Secretary and/or Treasurer

7. Executive Committee

7.1. The Executive Committee shall be elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of the Office Bearers and a sufficient number of Committee Members, necessary to carry out the functions of the Association. Only Corporate Members of the Association may be elected to serve on the Executive Committee.

7.2. The Executive Committee shall nominate two further Members who shall be Graduates of less than ten years standing.

7.3. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to co-opt additional Members.

8. Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee

The committee is empowered to do all things necessary and appropriate to achieve the objects of the Association including the matters set out below.

8.1. To manage, control and administer the finances and assets of the Association. Books of account recording al receipts, payments, assets and liabilities shall be maintained in a manner appropriate to the Association. The Association shall issue receipts for all monies received which shall be deposited in full in the Association?s Bank and or Building Society accounts. A statement of receipts and payments and of assets and liabilities shall be prepared for each financial year. These statements shall be audited and laid before the Annual General Meeting together with the Auditor?s report.

8.2. To raise funds by any means deemed advisable by the Committee for the attainment and furtherance of any of its objects.

8.3. Signatures

8.3.1. All deeds and documents requiring execution on behalf of the Association shall be signed by two signatories of whom at least one must be the Chairman or Honorary Secretary and the other must be duly authorised by resolution of the Executive Committee.

8.3.2. All cheques or similar financial documents shall be signed by two signatories duly authorised by resolution of the Executive Committee.

8.4. Area Sub-Committees - The Executive Committee shall have power to constitute Area Sub-Committees.

8.5. Minutes of general meetings, committee meetings and area sub-committee meetings shall be recorded and shall be approved at the ensuing meeting of the body concerned. As evidence of their approval they shall be signed by the Chairman of the meeting at which they are approved.

8.6. Subscriptions

8.6.1. Subscription fees for all grades of membership shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. A list of subscription fees shall be circulated to Members and Members shall be advised of any changes to this list.

8.6.2. The annual subscription payable by Members who reside within a radius of fifty kilometres from the centre of Johannesburg shall be higher than that payable by Members who reside outside of such a radius.

8.7. To appoint Auditors whose duty it shall be to audit annually the books, accounts and records of the Association and to prepare a certified balance sheet and accounts for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. Auditors so appointed shall not be members of the Executive Committee.

8.8. To decide when and where all meetings of the Association shall be held and to make all arrangements for such meetings.

8.9. To grand loans, according to the Terms and Conditions as set out in a Loan Agreement Form, to be approved by the Executive Committee.

9. Amendments to the Constitution

9.1. Amendments to the Constitution may be made only at a General Meeting. Any such proposal shall be presented in writing and shall be signed by at least three Corporate Members. Such proposal shall be submitted to the Executive Committee, who shall include it in the agenda for the next General Meeting.

9.2. A two thirds majority of the Corporate Members present at the General Meeting shall be required to carry such amendments.

9.3. Voting on any amendment or amendments may at the discretion of the Chairman, be restricted to Corporate Members who are up to date with their payments.

10. Winding up ? In the event that the Association becomes defunct or is wound up for any reason whatever, the remaining assets of the Association shall be vested in the Department of Mining Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, and shall be administered for the benefit of that Department by the Professor of Mining Engineering.

11. General ? Copies of the Constitution shall be available on request to Members of the Association and a copy shall be automatically given to each applicant for membership of the Association.


