Academic calendar and graduations
- Wits University
Update from the Senior Executive Team (16:30):
Academic programme
The majority of classes continued today across all campuses without disruption, and with better attendance than yesterday. Thank you to those who attended and taught classes today.
Senate approved last week that the academic calendar would be extended by two weeks.
- Term ends: 31 October
- Study break: 1 - 2 November
- Examinations: 3 - 30 November
Examination timetables
The final Oct-Nov 2016 examination timetable has been published on the Wits website and the student portal. You can obtain your personalised timetable from the student portal. The revised Wits School of Education examination timetable will be made available soon.
Please note that no student will be prevented from writing examinations for financial reasons.
Some graduations for 2016 have been rescheduled. Please visit the graduations webpage for details.
Wits’ pledge on free education
Wits has pledged its support for the goal of free, fully funded, quality, decolonised higher education. We pledge to approach government with a united voice for the realisation of this goal. We pledge to deploy our intellectual resources towards finding the best solutions. We are also prepared to support peaceful advocacy activities in this regard. Read the full pledge.
Management’s engagement with protesting students
We reiterate that we have met with student leaders from various student structures and societies. We are open to engaging with students from all societies and mediators to try to find a negotiated settlement. The Dean of 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s invited 20 student representatives to meet with management, but the protesting students did not take up the offer. We are also open to an imbizo provided that it doesn’t fall into teaching time, it is facilitated independently, it allows for two way conversation and is planned in advance. We have communicated with the 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s’ Representative Council in this regard.
We are happy to address all internal issues as described earlier but it is beyond our control to give students free education now.