BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211027T130000 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:This webinar is co-hosted by the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care and the Adler Museum of Medicine. In this webinar skilled analysts discuss the “pandemic” of COVID-19-era misinformation around the world. In South Africa in 2020 the state issued a warning that: “Anyone that creates or spreads fake news about the Coronavirus COVID-19 is liable for prosecution. Verify the information before you share information.” Despite this injunction, and similar warnings issued  by other states,. this pandemic has created the perfect conditions for misinformation and an attack on truth. Some politicians and many shadowy and some openly operating entities are siding with lies.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:This webinar is co-hosted by the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care and the Adler Museum of Medicine.

In this webinar skilled analysts discuss the “pandemic” of COVID-19-era misinformation around the world. In South Africa in 2020 the state issued a warning that: “Anyone that creates or spreads fake news about the Coronavirus COVID-19 is liable for prosecution. Verify the information before you share information.” Despite this injunction, and similar warnings issued  by other states,. this pandemic has created the perfect conditions for misinformation and an attack on truth. Some politicians and many shadowy and some openly operating entities are siding with lies.


SUMMARY:Checking the Facts:  Authenticity, innovation, and the media in the wake of a pandemic. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR