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Wits In 60 Seconds

Wits celebrates the launch of Wits Plus PTY Ltd, the new home of Wits’ short courses that ensures lifelong learning and skills development. We learn about Professor Garth Stevens and the Lifetime Achievement Award that he received from the Psychological Society of South Africa. The Annual Retirees’ Lunch honoured Wits mentors and leaders for their service. Wits student leaders were recognised at the 2024 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Leadership Awards and the Wits Sport Awards. Finally, we explore the results of the Gauteng City-Region Observatory’s 7th Quality of Life Survey, which highlights social attitudes in Gauteng towards basic services.

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University sport a space to effect growth

雷速体育_雷速体育直播 athletes and spectators contribute to a vibrant student experience says Wits Sports Director. Mandla Gagayi took over as the Director of Wits Sport in June 2024, arriving just in time to send-off Wits student athletes travelling to various parts of the country, as is custom during the winter break. The June/July holidays are an important period with top teams participating in the University Sport South Africa (USSA) tournament, which attracts elite athletes from the higher education sector.

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