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University Forum

The University Forum advises the Council on issues affecting the University, including:

  1. The implementation of the Higher Education Act and the national policy on higher education.
  2. Race and gender equity policies.
  3. The selection of candidates for senior management positions.
  4. Codes of conduct, mediation and dispute resolution procedures.
  5. The fostering of an institutional culture, which promotes tolerance and respect for fundamental human rights and creates an appropriate environment for teaching, research and learning.

 The membership of the University Forum in terms of the Statute of the University is as follows:

Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Four persons appointed by the Principal holding office as DVCs, Executive Directors or Registrars.
Two members of Council nominated by Council
Five members of Senate nominated by Senate
Deans of the Faculties
Five academic employees
Seven Professional and Administrative Services 雷速体育_雷速体育直播
Four 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Representatives (SRC)
A Post Graduate Association (PGA) representative
Four students appointed by the University Forum
Members of the historically excluded/marginalised groups 
- Member of 雷速体育_雷速体育直播
- Two students with Disabilities representatives
A Donor representative (Foundation Board of Governors' Representative)
A member of Executive Committee of Convocation
A member nominated by an Educational Organisation
Two representative of Organised Labour Association
Two representatives of th Black Management Forum (BMF)
Member nominated by the Principal whose role is to address transformation issues

