Campus Housing and Residence Life

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Accommodation for New 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 and Visiting Academics

The University offers a wide range of short-term accommodation for visiting academic/research staff, and for new senior members of permanent staff. Postdoctoral fellows (affiliated to departments in the University) are also accommodated for periods of up to two years and, where there are short gaps between other bookings, these spaces may be taken up by block-release postgraduate students.

New academic and administrative staff may be accommodated at their own expense for periods of up to three months while looking for permanent residential accommodation in Johannesburg. (Extensions may be requested if accommodation is available, but at rentals that will escalate at 15% each month with effect from the beginning of the 4th month.)

All visitor accommodation is fully furnished and equipped with the basic essentials. Rentals cover DSTV, IT connection points with unlimited Internet access, Wi-Fi connectivity in most units, bedding and towels (changed/laundered weekly), water and electricity, basic cleaning of suites/apartments three times per week, and free use of communal laundry facilities. In some units guests also have the use of an incoming telephone service. Meals are available in student dining halls by prior arrangement.

All rentals for visitors are payable in advance via internal requisitions issued by the host academic department or research unit. Direct payments from individuals are accepted only from new staff and block-release students. (Non-South African guests should provide certified copies of passports & visas.)

Enquiries / Bookings: Central Accommodation Office, 011-717-9171/2 or

