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雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Convocation

Convocation is a statutory body and the name given to the University’s largest constituency – its alumni.

Over 200 000 graduates, Wits academic staff, and retired academics with 10 consecutive years’ service to the University make up Convocation. You automatically become a member of Convocation when a degree is conferred on you.

Convocation’s role is “to discuss and state its opinion upon any matter relating to the University”. Convocation elects the University Chancellor, the President of Convocation, and 10 members of the Executive Committee of Convocation (Exco).

What Wits does today can influence the value of your qualification tomorrow. Convocation enables alumni to have a say in University matters, ensuring that the quality and reputation of your Wits qualification is maintained and strengthened.

Why Convocation is 雷速体育_雷速体育直播
How alumni can get involved
How Convocation carries out its mandate
Stacey-lee Bolon, Convocation president, 2019-2023

Wits Statute - Convocation

Role and objectives

  1. The Convocation may state its opinion on any matter relating to the University, including matters referred to it by the Council, the Senate or the University Forum.
  2. The Convocation elects Council members in accordance with the University Rules.
  3. The Convocation, in cooperation with the University Registrar, maintains a database of its members in order to promote communication between the University and members, and for other suitable purposes.
  4. The Council may amend the University Rules only after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Convocation.


  1. The Convocation consists of the –
    (a) Vice-Chancellor and Principal;
    (b) Vice-Principal;
    (c) Deputy Vice-Chancellors,
    (d) University Registrar;
    (e) former and present Academic Employees as set out in subparagraph (2) of this Statute; and
    (f) all persons who are or become Graduates of the University.
  2. Academic Employees on the permanent staff of the University, professors emeriti and other retired Academic Employees who have been on the permanent staff in continuous employment for not less than 10 years immediately prior to retirement, are members of the Convocation.


  1. The Convocation elects from its members a President who acts as Chairperson of its meetings.
  2. The manner in which the President of Convocation is elected is set out in the University Rules.
  3. The Functions and period of office of the President of the Convocation are set out in the University Rules.
  4. A Secretary to the Convocation is appointed as set out in the University Rules.


The Convocation –

  1. executes its responsibilities in accordance with the higher education framework with specific reference to at least the following:
    1. The Constitution, Higher Education Act and other applicable legislation, the Wits Statute and the Wits Rules;
    2. Generally accepted principles regarding the role of a university and its place in society;
    3. Higher Education governance requirements;
    4. National Higher Education imperatives;
    5. Principles of public accountability, corporate citizenship, good governance and ethical conduct;
  2. promotes a positive image/reputation of and respect for the University as a whole;
  3. promotes community and business interests for the University;
  4. fosters a sense of responsibility, obligation and accountability towards the community in general and their “Alma Mater” in particular;
  5. debates and states its opinion on any matter relating to the best interests of the University, including matters referred to it by the Council, the Senate or the Institutional Forum.

Executive Committee

All the provisions necessary for the constitution and functioning of the Executive Committee of the Convocation, as well as the election and term of office of a member of the Executive Committee of the Convocation, are set out in the University Rules.

Meetings and elections

  1. The procedure and Quorum for meetings of the Convocation are set out in the University Rules.
  2. Meetings of the Convocation are summoned and held in the manner and at times and for purposes as set out in the University Rules.