In-Person Presentations
Company Presentations: Cost – R4 950.00
Evening presentations to students are scheduled on either East or West Campus, from 17:00 to 19:30 at the latest. Companies are required to provide posters and marketing materials for us to effectively promote and advertise your presence to students. These posters (limited to 25, no larger than A3 size) will be prominently displayed on notice boards targeting specific student demographics.
Companies have the option to manage student RSVPs and catering for these presentations. For further details, please contact the GRP Office at While audio-visual equipment will be available for the presentation, it's important to note that laptops will not be provided. A dedicated technician will be on hand to assist with setup, and the presentation will be announced on the campus radio station. Each presentation is scheduled to commence at 17:00, contingent on the venue.
Please be advised that companies will only have access to the venue during the specified times and not earlier unless lectures conclude ahead of schedule.
For companies utilizing this service, it is imperative to ensure the delivery of marketing materials one month prior to the event to facilitate effective marketing to students.