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Resilience part 2: Outlook and perspective

Image with the words change your perspective


Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll

The way that we respond and react to the difficulties in our lives makes a big difference to our lives as a whole. Having an outlook that accepts change, finds a positive angle, accepts sacrifices and promotes a sense of control have been associated with good outcomes in challenging circumstances.

1) Accept change

Change is a natural part of life. Knowing that change will happen may help you to deal with it when it inevitably arises. If you know that change is part of life, then you will be more prepared to deal with it.

2) Have a positive attitude

Finding a positive angle for a situation can help you to adapt better to it. If you are struggling to think of one, imagine what you might say to a friend in the same situation. How would you help them to see something positive in the situation?

3) Sacrifices are necessary

Realising that sacrifices are necessary is also part of building up resilience. An awareness that things may be difficult actually makes someone more likely to achieve a goal. For example, a student may realise that they won’t necessarily feel like studying every evening, but make the sacrifice to do so anyway, in order to pass now and reap the benefits of it later.

4) Promote a sense of control

If you have confidence in yourself and your ability to influence events and persevere through challenges, it’s easier to take things in your stride. On the other hand, if you believe that you have little control over your life, and ??that you’re at the mercy of your environment and circumstances, adversity is more likely to knock you off course.

While it’s important to accept change, you also need to remember that there are certainly better ways to respond to difficulty than others. You always have some say over yourself.

  • Say “no” to things that aren’t a priority
  • You can always make a choice - even if it’s only your attitude
  • Ask for ideas
  • Gather information and plan what you can do (see the next section for more information)

Go back to Resilience part 1: Regulating your emotionsMove on to Resilience part 3: Taking steps

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