Any project seeking to change people’s lives needs a plan against which progress and performance can be measured. clear evaluation anglophone africa builds the capacity of people and institutions to plan, measure, and report on the project – a process referred to as Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). clear's work in supporting and improving M&E contributes to better governance and improved development outcomes across the continent.
We work to improve the way M&E is done. We help strengthen the ability to plan, report on what is being achieved and assess results. This is known as evaluation capacity development. We work with policy makers, parliamentarians, academia and M&E networks and practitioners. clear evaluation anglophone africa is one of six regional centres housed in academic institutions across the globe. The other CLEAR centers are in Senegal, Mexico, India, China and Brazil, and we are supported by the Global Evaluation Initiative in Brussels, Belgium.
As part of a global network, our work is informed by international best practice but we draw extensively on local expertise. We have a thoughtful and deliberative research and learning agenda, which enables us to constantly reflect on how to successfully strengthen monitoring and evaluation systems. Our work has helped us build strong relationships with governments, civil societies and practitioners in the field, including professional associations.