DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

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Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the boxes below to get answers to some of the most common queries we receive.

If you can't find the answer to your questions below, get in touch via our Contact Us page.

What is a Centre of Excellence?

The National Research and Development Strategy (NRDS) of 2002 identified the need to create ‘Centres and networks of excellence’ in science and technology in South Africa. DSI-NRF Centres of Excellence (CoEs) are physical and virtual centres of research committed to developing novel ideas that focus on critical matters facing the South African communities. The CoEs concentrate existing capacity and resources to enable researchers to collaborate on projects that are locally relevant and internationally competitive.

The CoEs are specifically designed to accelerate delivery of appropriate human resources and knowledge capacity as well as raising international competitiveness, visibility and esteem of South African science.

You can read more about CoE's in the DSI-NRF Centres of Excellence Information Booklet.

How can I contact the Centre?

You can contact the Centre by visiting our Contact Us page here.

Where can I find out about funding?

The Centre provides funding for bursaries, fellowhips, and research grants.

For more information, visit our Funding Page.

How can I find about about Centre events?

Visit the calendar on our News and Events page for more information about upcoming seminars, conferences, workshops, and research schools.
