DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

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Who is eligible?

The DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS) receives funding from the national Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), which is administered by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the CoE-MaSS Host Institution, Wits University. This research funding is administered across all of the Nodes that make up the CoE-MaSS.

The Centre is currently funding Postgraduate Scholarships, Post-Doctoral Fellowships, Focus Area research projects and activities, accredited and non-accredited Short Courses, Workshops and otherTraining events, Writing Retreats, MaSS 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Capacity Development, etc. provided that the activities fall within one of the CoE-MaSS Focus Areas.

What do we fund?

The Centre reports to the DSI-NRF on 5 Key Performance Areas (KPAs) namely:

  • Research (incl. publications, writing retreats to train emerging researchers to develop publications, specific research projects addressing CoE-MaSS priorities, collaborative research projects, etc.)
  • Education and Training (incl. accredited short course training, non-accredited workshops and symposia, MaSS staff capacity development, etc.)
  • Service rendering (incl. community engagement activities, academic citizenship in MaSS fields, etc.)
  • Information brokerage (incl. science communication, technical reports for industry partners, etc.)
  • Networking

As such, applications for funding must cover requests for funding in one or more of these areas. The Centre highlights that research outputs and leveraged funding (co-funding for activities obtained from other sources, e.g. your Dept/Faculty/University Research Office, industry, government, philanthropies, etc.) are additional key factors considered in determining funding application success.

Organisers of events (conferences, workshops, training activities, etc.) are reminded that the CoE-MaSS is funded by South African taxpayer funds and, as such, we have a mandate to focus on developing South African citizens and permanents residents working in the MaSS fields in the first instance. As such, the Centre will funds all nationalities at our events but with the following proviso:

  • Keynote/plenary attendance: At least 50% of CoE-MaSS-funded invited plenaries/keynotes at an event must be South African citizens or permanent residents, as it is important that we develop senior keynote/plenary capacity in this area within the country. Should an event have an excess of this ratio of international keynotes in attendance, the balance of international delegates outside of the 50:50 ratio would need to be funded from alternative funding sources, unless a special arrangement is made at the time of funding application for where there are extenuating circumstances (e.g. the keynotes at a conference are mandated/constituted to be international, but they would be willing to stay on before/after the conference to support South African MaSS researchers with additional activities, such as workshops/training events/mentoring/etc.).
  • Emerging Researcher attendance (postgrads and postdocs): At least 75% of all CoE-MaSS-funded postgrads/postdocs must be South African citizens or permanent residents. Should an event have an excess of international postgrads/postdocs in attendance over and above this 3:1-minimum ratio, the balance of these international delegates would need to be funded from alternative funding streams. It would be the responsibility of the Local Organising Committee / delegates to source any alternative funds required.

The Centre does not fund the following:

  • Article processing charges (APCs) – please follow your Institution’s processes for details
  • Scholarships – please apply for funding via the NRF bursary route
  • Per diem stipends – please contact the relevant host entity/institution to cover these
  • Outgoing travel is only funded under EXCEPTIONAL circumstances

How do I cite support received from the Centre?

If you have already been successfully funded by the Centre, please find the policy on how to cite funding support by the CoE-MaSS on your publications and other outputs by following the link below:

 How to cite support from CoE-MaSS

Where do I find the Template for the Post-event Report for a Grant that I was awarded?

Please click on the Funding > Research Grants page.
