Centre for Urbanism & Built Environment Studies

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Book chapters

Here we showcase chapters directly leading out of CUBES activities/projects or co-authored between CUBES affiliates - 2014 to date

  • Todes, A., Charlton, S. and Goodfellow, T. (2024) Investment and Economic Change on the Urban Periphery, In Meth, P., Charlton, S., Goodfellow, T. and Todes, A.  with Asafo, D., Buthelezi, S., Houghton, J., Huang, Z., Desta, M., Mukwedeya, T., and Belihu, M. (forthcoming 2024). Living the Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Economic Change and Everyday Life in African City-Regions, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
  • Charlton, S., Todes, A. and Meth, P. (2024) Housing, history and hope in South Africa’s urban peripheries. In Meth, P., Charlton, S., Goodfellow, T. and Todes, A.  with Asafo, D., Buthelezi, S., Houghton, J., Huang, Z., Desta, M., Mukwedeya, T., and Belihu, M. Living the Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Economic Change and Everyday Life in African City-Regions, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
  • Goodfellow, T., Meth, P. and Charlton, S. (2024) Transport and mobility (in South Africa and Addis Ababa). In Meth, P., Charlton, S., Goodfellow, T. and Todes, A.  with Asafo, D., Buthelezi, S., Houghton, J., Huang, Z., Desta, M., Mukwedeya, T., and Belihu, M. Living the Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Economic Change and Everyday Life in African City-Regions, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
  • Meth, P., Charlton, S. and Todes, A. (2024) Producing Places: services, infrastructure and the public realm in South Africa and Addis Ababa. In Meth, P., Charlton, S., Goodfellow, T. and Todes, A.  with Asafo, D., Buthelezi, S., Houghton, J., Huang, Z., Desta, M., Mukwedeya, T., and Belihu, M. Living the Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Economic Change and Everyday Life in African City-Regions, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
  • Charlton, S. and Desta. M. (2024). Supermarkets, retail and consumption in peripheral areas. In Meth, P., Charlton, S., Goodfellow, T. and Todes, A.  with Asafo, D., Buthelezi, S., Houghton, J., Huang, Z., Desta, M., Mukwedeya, T., and Belihu, M. Living the Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Economic Change and Everyday Life in African City-Regions, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
  • Howe, L; Rubin, M; Charlton, S; Parker, A; Suleman, M; Cani, A (2024) Multiple publics, disjunctures, and hybrid systems: how marginalized groups stake their claims to transport infrastructure.  Chapter in Florentin, D and Coutard, O (eds) Handbook on Cities and Infrastructures. Edward Elgar Ltd. 
  • Charlton, S., Klug, N., and Rubin, M (2023) Oversights, Omissions and Ownership Visions: State-funded Walk-up Housing in Johannesburg. Chapter 10 in Rubin, M., Charlton, S, and Klug, N (eds) Housing in African Cities. A Lens on Urban Governance. Springer
  • Huchzermeyer, M. and Kornienko, K. (forthcoming). Unsettling the formal-informal binary: right to development and self-determination in the Harry Gwala settlement trajectory in Ekurhuleni, South Africa. In Appelhans, N., Rawhani, C., Huchzermeyer, M., Olayowo, B. and Sihlongonyane, M. (eds), Everyday Urban Practices in Africa: Disrupting Global Norms, Routledge, London, in press.
  • Huchzermeyer, M. (2022) Rethinking urban resettlement and displacement from the perspective of “home” in the interruption and uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Beier, R., Spire, A., and Bridonneau, M. (eds.) Urban Resettlements in the Global South – Lived Experiences of Housing and Infrastructure between Displacement and Relocation, pp.193-209. Routledge, Abingdon & New York. Open Access
  • Charlton, S and Rubin, M (2021) Facing Homelessness: Scales of spatial exclusion. Chapter in de Beer, S and Valley, R (eds) Facing homelessness: finding inclusionary, collaborative solutions. AOSIS Scholarly Books.  Available open access here
  • Huchzermeyer, M. and Obala, L (2019). Managing Urban Residential Density: From Crisis and Tragedy to Tentative Political Will in Nairobi. In Albert I. and Lawanson, T. (eds), Urban Crisis and Management in Africa. A Festschrift for Prof. Akin Mabogunje.  Pp.197-213. Pan-African University Press, Austin, Texas.   
  • Charlton, S (2019) Learning from low-income living in an inner-city suburb to inform policy. Chapter in Claire Bénit-Gbaffou, Sarah Charlton, Sophie Didier, Kirsten Doerman (eds), The Politics of Community-Oriented Research - Learning from Yeoville Studio, Johannesburg, Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
  • Rubin, M and Charlton, S (2019) State Led Housing Provision Twenty Five Years On: Change, Evolution, and Agency on Johannesburg’s Edge. Chapter in Guney, KM, Keil, R and Ucogli, M (eds) Massive Suburbanization: (Re)Building the Global Periphery. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Haferburg, M. and Huchzermeyer, M. (2017). Redlining or renewal? The space-based construction of decay and its contestation through local agency in Brixton, South Africa. Kirkness, P. and Tijé-Dra, A. (eds) Negative Neighbourhood Reputation and Place Attachment: The Production and Contestation of Territorial Stigma. Pp.60-80, Routledge, Oxon.
  • Charlton, S. and Klug, N. (2016) Pressures on practice: how RDP housing and other factors have shaped informal settlement upgrading in Ethekwini municipality.  Chapter in L, Cirolia,, T, Görgens, M, van Donk, W, Smit, and S, Drimie, (eds.) Pursuing a Partnership Based Approach to Incremental Informal Settlement Upgrading in South Africa, UCT Press, Cape Town.
  • Huchzermeyer, M. and Karam, A. (2016). South African housing policy over two decades: 1994-2014. In Kepe, T., Levin, M. and von Liers, B. (eds), Domains of Freedom: Justice, Citizenship and Social Change in South Africa. Pp.85-104. UCT Press, Cape Town – open access
  • Haferburg, C. and Huchzermeyer, M. (2014). An introduction to the governing of post-apartheid cities. In Haferburg, C. and Huchzermeyer, M. (eds), Urban Governance in Postapartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa’s Metropoles. pp.3-14. Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart, and UKZN Press, Scottsville.
  • Huchzermeyer, M., Karam, A. and Maina, M. (2014). Informal Settlements. In Harrison, P., Gotz, G., Todes, A. and Wray, C. (eds), Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg after Apartheid. Pp. 154-175. Wits University Press, Johannesburg – open access