Centre for Urbanism & Built Environment Studies

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Edited books and special issues

Appelhans, N., Rawhani, C., Huchzermeyer, M., Olayowo, B. and Sihlongonyane, M. (eds) (imprint 2025 but already published in August 2024). Everyday Urban Practices in Africa: Disrupting Global Norms, Routledge, Oxon – open access

Meth, P; Charlton, S, Goodfellow, T and Todes, A with Asafo, D., Buthelezi, S., Houghton, J., Huang, Z., Desta, M., Mukwedeya, T., and Belihu, M. (2024). Living The Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Economic Change And Everyday Life In African City-regions. Manchester University Press – open access

Bénit-Gbaffou C (ed), (2024) City officials and the struggle to transform cities. A view from post-apartheid South Africa. UCL Press, London - open access

Rubin, M., Charlton, S., and Klug, N. (eds), (2023). Housing in African Cities: A Lens on Urban Governance. Springer, New York.

Beier, R., Spire, A., and Bridonneau, M. (eds.) Urban Resettlements in the Global South – Lived Experiences of Housing and Infrastructure between Displacement and Relocation. Routledge, Abingdon & New York.

Bénit-Gbaffou, C., Charlton, S., Didier, S. and Dörmann, K. (2019). Politics and Community-based Research: Perspectives from Yeoville Studio, Johannesburg. Wits University Press, Johannesburg - open access

Journal of Development Studies Vol 54, number 12.  2018, Special issue on “Informal Practices of the State in Urban Governance: Views from Southern African Cities”. Guest edited by Claire Bénit-Gbaffou & Sarah Charlton.

Bénit-Gbaffou C (ed), 2015, Popular politics in South African Cities – Unpacking Community Participation. Pretoria: HSRC Press - open access

Haferburg, C. and Huchzermeyer, M. (eds.) (2014). Urban Governance in Postapartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa’s Metropoles. Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart, and UKZN, Scottsville.

Geoforum (2012, Special issue on 43(2) on 'Party Politics, the Poor and the City – réflexions from South Africa'. Guest edited by Claire Bénit-Gbaffou and Laurence Piper.

Journal of Asian and African Studies (2011) Special issue on ‘Accessing the state: Everyday Practices and Politics’, 46(5), guest edited by Claire Bénit-Gbaffou and Sophie Oldfield.

Town and Regional Planning, 54 (2009) Special Issue on 'Reflections on the unfolding of South Africa’s 2004 Housing Programme 'Breaking New Ground’' (guest edited by Marie Huchzermeyer) – open access

Huchzermeyer, M. and Karam, A. (eds.) (2006) Informal Settlements – A Perpetual Challenge? Juta/UCT Press, Cape Town – open access

South African Review of Sociology (formerly Society in Transition), 37(1) 2006 Special Issue on ‘Informal Settlements and Access to Land’ (guest edited by Marie Huchzermeyer)

Harrison, P., Huchzermeyer, M., Mayekiso, M. (eds.) (2003). Confronting Fragmentation: Housing and Urban Development in a Democratising Society. UCT Press, Cape Town – open access

Urban Forum 13(2), April-June 2002: Special Issue on ‘Contemporary Processes in Informal Settlements in South Africa’ (South African, French and German contributors).
