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The current year’s examination session dates are published in the University Almanac in December of the previous year. The almanac is available here.
Below are the official periods.

  • May/June (mid-year)
  • Oct/Nov (year-end)

NOTE: Faculties publish their students’ examination results on different days. Please check with your Faculty. 


What time should I arrive at my exam?
雷速体育_雷速体育直播s should arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of their exam.

What happens if i arrive late?
If you arrive late, you will not be given extra time. You will be allowed to write the exam if you arrive earlier than 50% of the duration of the exam. (For a 3 hour exam 1 hour and 30 minutes is acceptable and for an hour, 30 minutes is acceptable). Should you arrive later than the acceptable times stated, you are required to approach your School or Faculty directly who will advise you.

What should I do once I arrive at the exam venue?
Check that your name is on the seating plan which will be posted on a Notice Board at the entrance of the examination venue and make a note of your seat number before entering the venue. Seats will be numbered.

My name is not on the seating plan. What should I do?
雷速体育_雷速体育直播s’ whose names do not appear on the seating plan will still be allowed into an exam venue to write the exam. Speak to a Chief Invigilator/Invigilator who will note your name on their register and assign you to a seat. The Faculty or  School  will confirm  your  registration.

 What items can I take into an examination venue?

  • You must take your student card with you to all your examination sittings.
  • You are only permitted to take items as stipulated on the question paper, with you e.g. calculator, pens etc.
  • You are not allowed to bring your bag into the venue.  Cellular phones, car keys, wallets must be place in a clear plastic bag placed at your feet.  The University will not be held responsible for the loss of such articles. 

What do I do if I need to use the toilet?
Raise your hand and inform the Invigilator. It is University policy that an Invigilator accompanies you to the toilet.

Can I leave the exam venue once I’ve completed my exam?
You cannot leave the exam room in the first 60 minutes or the final 30 minutes of the exam unless you feel unwell.

What should I do if I feel unwell during an examination?
If you feel unwell raise your hand and an Invigilator will attend to you.

What should I do if the fire alarm goes off during the exam?
Follow the Invigilators instructions and remember that you are still under exam conditions.

What should I do if I notice anything ‘out of the ordinary’ in the exam venue/while writing my examination?
If something unusual happens and you feel it has affected your performance then notify an Invigilator of the occurrence. They will report it to the Chief/Senior Invigilator who will follow due process in such instances.

After the exam

What happens at the end of an examination?
Ensure that you have handed in your examination answer books (scripts) and have completed the attendance register.

May I take examination material with me after writing and when I leave the venue?
You are not permitted to leave the venue with any examination answer books or attendance registers. Only certain Schools allow students to retain their examination question paper.

After the exams
雷速体育_雷速体育直播s are requested to please consult with their respective Faculties/ Schools regarding any examination queries. This also applies to queries on remarking/ results etc. as the Faculty and Schools manage these aspects.

Deferred Exams

  • Deferred examinations are only considered for approval to those students who are unable to write their final exam due to illness or other acceptable reasons as stipulated in the Standing Orders. 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s should always be informed that applying for a deferred exam does not guarantee that it will be granted.
  • Supplementary examinations are only applicable to students registered in the Faculties of Commerce, Law and Management; Health Sciences and Engineering and the Built Environment; Faculty of Humanities(Education students only).

Supplementary Exams

  • Supplementary examinations are only applicable to students registered in the Faculties of Commerce, Law and Management; Health Sciences and Engineering and the Built Environment; Faculty of Humanities(Education students only).



Where and when do you publish the Examination Timetable? 
At the beginning of the year and the final timetable is published 4 weeks prior to the start of the exam session.
The published exam timetables can be found at:

  • The EGO noticeboards situated adjacent to the West Wing lifts on the 2nd floor, Senate House on East Campus and

The Final timetable will be published 4 weeks prior to the start of the examination session.

What happens if my course does not appear on the time-table? 
Report it  immediately to your Course Coordinator who will check your registration details and they in turn will communicate with EGO.

What does it mean when it states on the time-table ‘refer to department’? 
It means that the exam will be managed and run by the department, in a departmental venue - not in a venue facilitated by EGO. Please check with your respective course coordinators and school noticeboards for details.


What should I do if the timetable affects my travel plans?

  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s are advised not to make any travel plans during the examination session. The University cannot change examination dates that conflict with students’ travel plans.
  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s must go to Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) in the Matrix for an assessment. They in turn will inform your Faculty of the outcome of the assessment and make necessary recommendations for Extra Time for approval by the Dean. The Faculty will send a letter of approval, indicating the Extra Time granted and for which period, to EGO, Disability Unit (if necessary), School as well as a copy for you. You must keep a copy of this letter with you to present at the Extra Time Venue for all your examinations. The application for Extra Time must be completed with your Faculty and CHWC.
Extra time and clashes

What should I do if I require Extra Time?

  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s must go to Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) in the Matrix for an assessment.
  • They in turn will inform your Faculty of the outcome of the assessment and make necessary recommendations for Extra Time for approval by the Dean.
  • The Faculty will send a letter of approval, indicating the Extra Time granted and for which period, to EGO, Disability Rights Unit (DRU) (if necessary), School as well as a copy for you. You must keep a copy of this letter with you to present at the Extra Time Venue for all your examinations.
  • The application for Extra Time must be completed with your Faculty and Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) by no later than the last working day of April.


What should I do if I require Extra Time in an Emergency situation?

  • Should you require  Extra Time on the day or a few days prior to the examination taking place, it will be your responsibility to inform your School and Faculty. EGO will allow you access to write the examination in the special Extra Time venue. You will however be required to go to Campus Health for an assessment. The Faculty/School will approve the emergency Extra Time for marking scripts. The Faculty may under special circumstances grant you a deferred examination with Extra Time depending on the emergency.
  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s are required to complete their examinations in a Special Venue, managed by EGO.


Who do I inform about my extra-time?

Visit the Examinations and Graduation Office (Senate House, 2nd Floor, Room 2022) to complete a form two weeks prior to exam date.  Approval letter required when completing a form.

  Where is the Extra Time venue situated?
The extra time venue is situated on the 3rd  floor of Senate House, Room SH3118.

 What times do exams commence in the Extra time venue?
The morning session commences at 8:00AM and the afternoon session at 12:30PM.

 What happens if I have a clash?

  • Please note that writing two examinations – one in the morning and one in the afternoon – is NOT considered as a clash. A clash is when 2 examinations have been scheduled to be written on the same day and at the same time.
  • It is your responsibility to notify EGO that you have a clash. You will be required to complete a Timetable Clash form and submit it to EGO two weeks prior to exam date.
  • Exams are written in Senate House on the 3rd floor Room SH3118.


 What times do exams for clashes commence?
The morning session commences at 8:00AM and the afternoon session at 12:30PM.

 Will I get a break between examinations that are clashing?
The Chief Invigilator in the Special Venue will monitor controlled breaks.

Deferred, supplementary and missed exams

What should I do if I miss an Examination?

  • Please report this immediately to your School/Faculty who will advise you.
  • If you arrive late, you will not be given extra time. You will be allowed to write the exam if you arrive earlier than 50% of the duration of the exam. (For a 3 hour exam 1 hour and 30 minutes is acceptable and for an hour, 30 minutes is acceptable). Should you arrive later than the acceptable times stated, you are required to approach your School or Faculty directly who will advise you.

Deferred Exams

  • Deferred examinations are only considered for approval to those students who are unable to write their final exam due to illness or other acceptable reasons as stipulated in the Standing Orders. 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s should always be informed that applying for a deferred exam does not guarantee that it will be granted.
  • Supplementary examinations are only applicable to students registered in the Faculties of Commerce, Law and Management; Health Sciences and Engineering and the Built Environment; Faculty of Humanities(Education students only).

Supplementary Exams

  • Supplementary examinations are only applicable to students registered in the Faculties of Commerce, Law and Management; Health Sciences and Engineering and the Built Environment; Faculty of Humanities(Education students only).

What is misconduct?
It is when a student tries to dishonestly gain an unfair advantage in an exam. For example, opening or writing in your answer book before the exam has started or after it has finished; using materials that are not allowed(such as notes or mobile phones);or trying to talk to other students etc.

What if I'm suspected of misconduct?

  • The University diligently follows due policy on suspected misconduct The Invigilator who suspects the misconduct will report the matter to the Chief/Senior Invigilator. The Invigilator will remove any items/documents supporting their suspicion. The matter will then be reported to EGO as well as the Legal Office for further investigation.
  • You will be given a new exam answer book and be allowed to continue with the examination.
Religious commitments

What happens if an afternoon examination’s time extends beyond my religious commitments?
You will be required to report this to EGO. You will be permitted to commence your examination earlier than the start time for the afternoon session i.e 12:30PM instead of 2:00PM.EGO will require a letter from your Rabbi/Imam, confirming your religious affiliations.

What do I do if I have a religious holiday that falls on the same day as my exam?
Report this to your School/Faculty and they will advise if special arrangements can be made to accommodate you as you may qualify for a deferred examination.
