Faculty of Health Sciences

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Faculty Registrar's Office

The Faculty Office is the contact point for all undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Health Sciences for admissions, enrolments and graduations.

The Faculty Office is situated on the Second Floor of the Phillip V Tobias Health Sciences Building, corner York Road and Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, Johannesburg.

Postgraduate Administration

  • Head: Postgraduate Administration: Ms Sandra Munesar
  • Senior Faculty Officer: Ms Modie Maumela - 0117172075 - modie.maumela@wits.ac.za 
    • All Postgraduate enquiries relating to the following Schools/Departments/Disciplines
      • Physiology
      • Oral Health Sciences / Dentistry
      • Nursing
      • Occupational Therapy
      • Pharmacy / Pharmacology
      • Physiotherapy
      • Exercise Science and Sports Medicine / Biokinetics
      • Family Medicine
      • Psychiatry
      • Forensic Medicine
      • Surgery
      • Obstetrics & Gynaecology
      • Paediatrics
      • Health Science Education
  • Faculty Officer: Ms Mpho Moiloa - 0117172510 - mpho.moiloa@wits.ac.za 
    • Protocols and Research Reports for the same disciplines listed under Ms Modie Maumela
  • Senior Faculty Officer: Ms Palesa Khumalo - 0117172463 - palesa.khumalo@wits.ac.za 
    • All Postgraduate enquiries relating to the following Schools/Departments/Disciplines
      • Anatomical Sciences
      • Public Health
      • Pathology
      • Anaesthetics
      • Radiation Sciences
      • Neurosciences (Neurology, Ophthtalmology, Neurosurgery, Ear/Nose/Throat Surgery)
      • Orthopaedic Surgery
      • Bioethics and Health Law
      • Internal Medicine (including Cardiology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Dermatology, Nephrology and Endocrinology)
      • Emergency Medicine
  • Faculty Officer:  Ms Kgomotso Tlala - 0117172125 - Kgomotso.tlala@wits.ac.za
    • Protocols and Research Reports for the same disciplines listed under Ms Palesa Khumalo
  • Faculty Officer: Ms Zaheera Khan - 0117172091 - zaheera.khan@wits.ac.za
    • Research matters relating to examination procedures, nominations of examiners and examiner payments.
  • Faculty Officer: Ms Anna Muronga - 0117172076 - anna.muronga@wits.ac.za 
    • Postgraduate Admissions
    • General postgraduate degree enquiries
  • Faculty Administrative Assistant: Ms Precillia Sithole - 0117172329 - precillia.sithole@wits.ac.za
    • Postgraduate Admissions
    • General postgraduate degree enquiries
  • Faculty Administrative Assistant: Mr Stephen Mongwe - 0117172451 - stephen.mongwe@wits.ac.za
    • International student postgraduate study enquiries
    • General postgraduate degree enquiries
  • Faculty Administrative Officer: Ms Naomi Senamela - 0117172098 - naomi.senamela@wits.ac.za 
    • Supernumerary Registrars - Foreign postgraduate applicants

Undergraduate Administration

  • Head: Undergraduate Administration: Ms Henda van der Walt
  • Senior Faculty Officer: Ms Thabitha Magethi - 0117172525 - thabitha.magethi@wits.ac.za 
    • MBBCh - Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
    • BDS - Bachelor of Dental Science
    • BOHSc - Bachelor of Oral Health Sciences (Oral Hygiene)
  • Senior Faculty Officer: Mr Morné Greyling - 0117172425 - morne.greyling@wits.ac.za 
    • BHSc - Bachelor of Health Sciences (Biomedical Sciences)
    • BHSc - Bachelor of Health Sciences (Biokinetics)
    • BHSc - Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Systems Science)
    • BNurs - Bachelor of Nursing
    • BPharm - Bachelor of Pharmacy
    • BSc (PT) - Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
      • GEPP - Graduate Entry Physiotherapy Programme
    • BSc (OT) - Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy
  • Senior Faculty Officer: Ms Tabea Lephuthing - 0117172029 - tabea.lephuthing@wits.ac.za 
    • GEMP - Graduate Entry Medical Programme
    • BCMP - Bachelor of Clinical Medical Practice
  • Faculty Administrative Assistant: Ms Jennifer Maseko - maseko.maseko@wits.ac.za
    • BHSc - Bachelor of Health Sciences (Nursing Systems Sciences)
      • Online programme for upgrading a Nursing diploma to a degree
  • Faculty Administrative Officer: Ms Christeleen Ontong - 0117172003 - christeleen.ontong@wits.ac.za 
    • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 and Visitors Parking - Medical School and Phillip V Tobias building
    • HPCSA registrations - Undergraduate students
    • First Aid and Computer Literacy Requirement courses
    • Venue bookings


