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International 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Elective Clerkships Application Procedures

雷速体育_雷速体育直播s wishing to undertake an elective clerkship in Johannesburg must apply and register through the Elective Office, Faculty of Health Sciences , University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg as per application procedures listed below :-.

  • The 2025 application intake will commence from the 31st of January 2024.
  • Registration Form A - Application for admission as a temporary medical student. Please TYPE the information for clear legibility.
  • Enclose two color passport size photographs – this is important as it is required for your hospital identity access card.
  • Enclose a clear copy of your passport
  • HPCSA Form 8 - Updated 17 April 2024 
    • Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is a statutory requirement. Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) - Application for registration as a visiting medical/dental student in terms of the regulations published in government notice no. R652 of 1995
    • When completing the HPCSA form 08:
      • Section A to be stamped and signed by your home university.
      • Return Form 08 to the Elective office. Section C will be completed by the host university.
  • Enclose of short curriculum vitae (not to exceed two pages).
  • Enclose proof of registration from your home university, signed and date stamped.

NO monies are required to accompany your elective application forms. On confirmation of acceptance, you will be instructed by email as to when monies are required.

In Brief :

i) the annual HPCSA registration fee is increased on the 1st of April each year. The current 2024/2025 HPCSA registration fee is ZAR1441.00

ii) Please do NOT forward any monies to the HPCSA at the time of application. The Elective Office will email the HPCSA banking details and/or credit card payment form to you.

iii) It is only on receipt of your completed application forms that the actual application procedures may be set in motion. PLEASE NOTE: The Wits Faculty of Health Sciences will not take any responsibility for delayed deliveries via the SA Postal Service or any other courier company. We can only start processing your application when we actually receive it

You may email copies of your application forms to Please e-mail all the documents as a single attachment, in PDF format.

Completed forms may also be couriered to:

The Elective Office - Office 234, Level 2
Faculty of Health Sciences
Phillip V Tobias Health Sciences Building
29 Princess of Wales Terrace (corner York Road and Carse O'Gowrie Road)
2193 - South Africa



  • 2024 - 22 January to 13 December 2024
  • 2025 - 17 January to 12 December 2025