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THRIVE – support from fellow parents

THRIVE is a “Parent led Programme” providing unbiased support to families with children who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing. Every member of the team is a fellow parent, spanning the spectrum of experience and choice. The board and trustees are all HI HOPES recipient families.


THRIVE parent support and advocacy group – providing unbiased parent-led support to families of deaf or hard of hearing children.

THRIVE Mission

By providing unbiased support, THRIVE seeks to empower South African parents with d/Deaf or hard of hearing children to make decisions which best fit their individual children and desired outcomes. Thus establishing an environment which enables these children to reach their unique individual potential and seeing entire family units embrace their journey and ultimately, thrive!

For further information, parent’s stories, excellent articles and resource links, please see the THRIVE website. To contact a parent, email 
