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MIA students share their experiences of returning to campus - written by Lindo Mtsweni (3rd-year Aeronautical Engineering student)

We can all agree that online learning (as a result of the emergency teaching and learning plan in response to 雷速体育_雷速体育直播) was challenging. With contact classes now in full swing since the return to campus in Semester 2 (August 2022), we wanted to find out how students have been doing as they have been meeting and engaging more with their classmates, lecturers, and other Wits community members.

The students’ responses suggest that the students have been looking forward to being back on campus and that they have mostly missed their friends. Contact classes have been a catalyst to reignite the students’ inner urge to “Conquer the Wits edge" –  a motivation that was rapidly dying due to the feelings of isolation experienced during online learning. The students have all been inspired to execute #OperaationSaveTheYear – which are the activities that will support them to successfully complete the 2022 academic year.

It is pleasing to know that more and more students are delighted to be back and have been reminded of the primary reason why they came to University. We wish everyone a successful academic year-end; it is good to have all of you back!

**POLL** Your turn to be involved: Which of the students' tips are key to #OperationSaveTheYear? Vote here for your favourite response. The tips with the highest votes will be featured on the School’s display screens as motivation to fellow students. Share your vote by Thursday 24 November.


Alfred Ntsizwa Bhembe

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Contact classes have brought back motivation to work hard and be disciplined. Online learning resulted in endless procrastination. But now, I know I need to attend lectures since they are not recorded for ‘catching up later’

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

I always looked forward to chilling on Great Hall stairs with my classmates after morning classes

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

The biggest tip is understanding that some modules can only be saved next year, I’m kidding. Well, don’t give up just yet. Take care of your mental health, talk to your friends, visit CCDU, and remember you need to save yourself before you can save the year

What excites you most about contact class?

I like how contact classes allow us to socialize easily, instead of being cooped up in the room alone staring at screen for hours; now we get to be out there and socialize. It is just so relaxing

Yogitha Sarah Baby

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Having contact classes allows me to interact with more people and expand my horizons on certain topics, as it is easier for everyone to communicate face to face when compared to online platforms. I can directly approach my lecturers to gain a better understanding of the lessons that are taught and get a more comprehensive answer to my questions. Being able to interact with my peers daily has allowed me to be more socially involved and aware of my surroundings. I can have a more open-minded view on topics as now I have other people’s opinions to consider

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

Having social life again, and the element of knowing that there is someone to help you in difficult circumstances and being encouraged by my peers who are going through similar issues that I am facing

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Put you head down and study because it is the last push; once those Jacarandas (trees) bloom, it’s too late.

What excites you most about contact class?

Being on campus means that I have the freedom to choose building I want to study in and with whom I want to study with. This makes course a little bit more fun and exciting.

Goitseona Taukobong

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Personally it is not different, but academically it has helped reduce pressure that came with studying in the room always.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

To be honest, to see my classmate regularly.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Start studying in the library instead of the room because you’re likely to be more productive when you’re in a library.

What excites you most about contact class?

Learning first hand because it is time efficient. Unlike recorded lectures which gave a room for a feeling ‘I can catch up later’.

Siphamandla Shange

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

It has made learning exciting again. Online learning felt very generic. We can now do proper practical and can interact with our lecturers

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

I looked forward to meeting old friends whom we had disconnected with due to Covid, and all the de-stressing events at library lawns.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Re-evaluate your academics, see whether you're closer to your initial goals, be determined and put in time to do what you have to do. Some things are not worth repeating the whole year for.

What excites you most about contact class?

Being able to interact with the lectures in-person and not have any disconnections.

Pfariso Rampfumedzi

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Contact classes have made it easier to engage, ask for help, and it is now easier to keep up with the course work.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

Meet up and know fellow classmates as I could only see their names during online lectures

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Start preparing as early as possible and give more time to courses you find challenging before exam period starts

What excites you most about contact classes?

The energy in contact classes makes attending to be good unlike online where you tend to sleep and hoping to catch up later

Matthew Sleep

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

I think being back in person has its pros and cons. I find I have less time to work on assignments and general day-to-day work but at the same time every day on campus is exciting and far more fun than remote learning.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

Aero design tutorials. The group interactive learning sessions don't work very well from behind a screen. Being back in person makes them far more fun but I also find my time is better spent.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Final exams are still ahead of us which means there is still a great opportunity to get marks up and turn fails into passes. It’s important not to lose focus and maintain discipline when it comes to uni work. The end is in sight. Keep pushing.

What excites you most about contact classes?

Seeing friends and class mates every day is by far the best part

Mukona Kudzingana

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Academically, it's less stressful to look for members for group assignments, and knowing people faces (not just their names) makes it more convenient to ask for help and make conversations. I am happier now as contact classes have a positive impact on my mental health since I get a chance to get those refreshing walks to and around campus.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

Having contact consultations with lecturers.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

I would emphasise on consulting when you do not understand, don't skip lectures, and have a schedule in-place and stick to it.

What excites you most about contact classes?

Contact classes push me to do work on time, I cannot save work for later.

Trymore Sylvester Aloni

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Being together with colleagues is a source of motivation and it promotes the ease of getting help; this has improved my grades. Personally, my dead social life has been resurrected and my team work skills have been enhanced.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

Engaging, connecting and networking with fellow colleagues.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Collaboration and engaging with relevant people is the key. No man is an island, interact and engage with peers, tutors and lectures in order to save the year.

What excites you most about contact classes?

I don't have to spend a continuous 3-hour period looking at my computer screen and it seems easier to pass with contact classes.

Phemelo Mmanakana

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

It's been exciting to finally put faces and characters to names I had only ever seen in virtual meetings. There is a spirit that is so deeply imprinted in Witsies that makes their mere presence inspiring; being in their presence has motivated me to work harder and be excellent. The culture of sitting and learning together has set the tone for us to cooperate beyond classroom. There's absolutely no doubt that contact classes have improved my academics. 

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

I've looked forward to being back on campus to meet and connect with others. The sense of togetherness and knowing that we are all fighting the same "Wits Edge" makes it all a whole lot easier. All of it gives me joy.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Remember your foundation – it makes it way less stressful to know this path you're on is purely for learning and adding value to the world. Purity of intention will always provide the strength and discipline to do the things that need to be done and that translates into academic success, among other incredible benefits.

What excites you most about contact classes?

The Wits main campus is absolutely stunning! There's a beautiful tension between the ancient feel of East and the modern contemporary feel of West campus. The vibe transition when moving from one to the other is so beautiful.

Sihlelelweyinkosi Sethulo Ngobese

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

I have a routine that is sustainable, [and which helps me] in the best way [to be] on top of my academics, and I am not overcome by anxiety and deadlines. Personally, I have had more conversations and new relationships formed in the past two months than I have in the two years of contactless learning.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

Being in a classroom environment, and the overall enthusiasm of having colleagues to bounce ideas off and learn from. As far as independent learning is concerned, conversations and professional arguments with my colleagues are what I learn the most from.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Get the work done by all ethical means.

What excites you most about contact classes?

Making connections and networking.

Nichole Wu

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Contact classes have limited how I arrange my timetable so academically it’s not so flexible. Certain modules are better with contact classes as you’re able to retain more from the actual presence of your lecturer, since you can ask questions as you go (as opposed to online videos). Personally I like to have my timetable flexible as I can arrange and mentally prepare for lessons. There’s something taxing about engaging with too many people and all the walking on campus can be draining and time consuming.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

Seeing my lecturers and fellow classmates who raised questions during online classes in person, and having a face to match the voice/name.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Concentrate and expand your energy on quality work. Understand the material and go through past papers - they really help. If you have issues, consult, make a timeline and deadline of how you want to study for the block.

What excites you most about contact classes?

Class engagement, you’ll soon find that some lecturers are really funny with anecdotes like my one lecturer, who likens the skills associated with suspecting a cheating spouse with that of auditors looking for fraud. And your class clowns of course.

Olebogeng Moeketsi

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Most of us are the first generation in our families to be in University; so during online classes, being stuck with a family that doesn't really understand nor relate to your struggles was difficult. However, now with contact classes I can share my struggles with fellow students, this gives a sense of belonging and reminds us that we are all in this fight together. 

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

I have been looking forward to mingling with others.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Exam timetable is out, so no matter how hard it can get, don't give up. Submit all the work on time and whenever given a chance, consult. University has structures like ADU and CCDU to help us, let's use them.

What excites you most about contact classes?

Meeting my friends, and the 15 minutes break during lectures. I would be excited about contact classes if the school can give us coffee during those 15 minutes break (giggling).

Lutendo Makatu

How have contact classes impacted you academically and personally?

Academically it has improved as there are less procrastination habits with contact classes, and it is much easier to under lecturers when the interaction is in-person. Interacting with fellow mates makes learning exciting and this is good for personal growth.

What did you look forward to do once classes are back on campus?

I was looking forward to attend with my friends and having the uncapped Wits Wi-Fi connection.

What would be your tips on #OperationSaveTheYear?

Do more tutorials and if your study methods haven't been working for you, change them now.

 What excites you most about contact classes?

Access to library, chilling in front of the Great Hall, and being able to form physical study groups.
