Measures to curb violence on campuses at night
- Wits University
Update from the Senior Management Team (17:00):
Academic programme
The majority of Wits’ academic programmes went ahead today across campuses. Attendance has increased day by day across campuses.
Disruptions to the academic programme were reported this morning on the Wits West Campus. Firecrackers were also set off in some classrooms as well as near the Matrix and in Central Block. Security and police were called to the scene and the disruptors dispersed. Classes then resumed. We have had no disruptions this afternoon.
Measures to curb violence on campuses at night
The University has sustained huge losses due to destruction of property. The University has an obligation to ensure the safety and security of persons and infrastructure within its precincts and has resolved to put into place measures to minimise the present danger.
In the circumstances and with effect from the 14th October 2016:
1. All University buildings, facilities, libraries and reading rooms other than student residences and staff accommodation will be closed between 21:30 and 06:00.
2. People who have not been assigned accommodation within University precincts will not be granted access to the University after 22:00. This restriction on access will remain in effect until 06:00.
3. Only people who are authorised to occupy University facilities, and those who are on official University business may be in the University precincts after 22:00.
4. All persons who are authorised to be on campus after 22:00 must remain in the specific authorised area until 06:00.
5. Any other persons who must of necessity be on campus must first apply to the Registrar or her nominee for written permission via Written permission will be granted only for compelling reasons. Failure to abide by the above restrictions may constitute misconduct. In an emergency, Campus Control should be contacted on (011) 717-4444 who will arrange for contact with the Registrar if required.
A full security and police presence will be deployed across all campuses and vehicles, buses and bags may be searched.
Temporary Bus Timetables
雷速体育_雷速体育直播s should be notified of the interim change in bus stops for security reasons. Other motorists using the Yale Road North entrance are requested to be patient as buses drop off and make U-turns in this area.
1. Braamfontein Campus Bus Stop (AMIC) will move to Yale Road/Empire Rd Entrance
2. Esselen Street Bus stop (ESN) will move to Cnr of Esselen Street and Claremont Street (Old bus stop)
3. Wits Junction (WJ) will move to Park Lane Bus Stop (Outside Wits Junction)
4. Parktown Education Campus (WEC) will move to York Road (Opposite Medical School)
5. Blackwood Ave and St Davids Place will not be affected.
Court case
Some students took the University to court today in an attempt to interdict it from resuming classes and the academic programme. The court ruled in favour of the University and the case was dismissed with costs by the South Gauteng High Court.
Wits Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adam Habib talks on free higher education, the Wits Poll, police action on campus and willingness to engage with students (36min32sec):
[WATCH] Excerpts from the above video on Youtube:
- Free Higher Education: (1min 13sec)
- The Wits Poll: (3min 49sec)
- Police Action on Campus: (2min)