Senior executive statement on food and accommodation.
- Wits University
The Office of the Dean of 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s, together with internal stakeholders, is proactively addressing students' food and accommodation needs.
The following measures have been put in place to assist hundreds of students who require food and accommodation:
Fast-tracking the NSFAS appeals process
The Financial Aid and Scholarships office (FASO) has extended the deadline for all students to submit their appeals and all documentation (certified) by 18 February 2016. The FASO is doing all that it can to ensure that the National 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s’ Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) appeals process is fast-tracked. A special Committee has been appointed to review all documentation without delay. The Committee is reviewing all appeals and is prioritising those whose documents are in order and those who need or require accommodation. The appeals process will be complete by 28 February 2016 at the latest.
NSFAS students in residence
The FASO is fast tracking appeals of those who need access to residence. While a NSFAS decision is pending, students who received a residence offer for 2016 and who met NSFAS criteria in 2015 are being referred to their residence cluster managers and arrangements are in place to accommodate these students.
NSFAS students in private accommodation
For those students who are awaiting NSFAS appeals and who reside in private accommodation, an arrangement has been made with a private accommodation service provider to house them until 28 February 2016.
Registered students who have no funding for accommodation
These students have been placed in temporary emergency accommodation at a private service provider as arranged by the office of the Dean of 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s.
Food security
雷速体育_雷速体育直播s who are in need of food have been referred to the Wits Food Bank to access food packs and fresh vegetables from the West Campus Inyala Garden Project.