Inaugural lectures

Mathematics - A gateway to many career paths
雷速体育_雷速体育直播 70 percent of career paths need mathematics, says Professor Loyiso Nongxa.

Biometric capitalism and the future of history
Young South Africans, today, have compelling reasons to read voraciously in the history of this continent.

Advancing multilingualism in education
Professor Leketi Makalela argued for the strategic use of more than one language as a transformative and decolonising pedagogy in his inaugural lecture.

The cost of free tertiary education might push South Africa over the edge
Professor Jannie Rossouw gives a stern warning to the country's leaders on the consequences of over expenditure of government revenue.
The Origins of Livestock in South Africa
Twenty-five years ago the conventional view was that the first herders in South Africa were an immigrant Khoe-speaking, this view has been challenged.

Thinking about free will
Do prior events beyond our control cause us to act as we do, or are we free to decide? The nature of human free will is one of Philosophy's oldest problems.

The century of the photon
Welcome to the photonics age where we will be harnessing light for a myriad of applications, says Professor Andrew Forbes.

Good students, bad students, and biocatalysis
Professor Roger Sheldon of the Wits School of Chemistry delivers his Inaugural Lecture.

BAM! And Bob's your uncle
A series of BANGs led Distinguished Professor Bob Scholes from wanting to be a game ranger, to being one of the top scientists in the world.

What do you profess, Professor?
Professor Shirley Abelman of the School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics speaks about her life in research.

The urgency of transformation in the Global South
Professor Felix Maringe says there is an urgent need for transformation in the Global South academies.

Understanding complexity
Physicists like Professor Zeblon Vilakazi seek to answer ancient fundamental questions, such as: Where do you come from? What holds us together?

One feminist hails another
Professor Pumla Gqola revisits the impact that Miriam Tlali had on black writing.

The purpose of maths
Professor Karin Brodie delivers her inaugural lecture.

Public healthcare: three challenges
Professor Laetitia Rispel delivers her inaugural lecture.

Can’t get enough of the poo
Tonight you will hear about small animals that play around in poo, says Professor Marcus Byrne.

A hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy of Bara trauma
Professor Elias Degiannis described the many pillars that make up the academic trauma unit.

Molecular Mobility in Crystals
Demetrius Levendis delivers inaugural lecture after becoming full Professor in the School of Chemistry.

Hard work awarded
Professor Joel Moitsheki delivers his inaugural lecture, titled: Applied Differential Equations: Symmetry Solutions.

Limits of automated reasoning
Clint van Alten discusses the effectiveness of algorithms and computers in performing logical inference.

Academics should consider their position of privilege
Revisiting South African social science through migration and displacement.

The smoking guns of climate change
Professor Jasper Knight from the School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Sciences, delivers his inaugural lecture.

One piece of wood, lots of info
Professor Marion Bamford delivers her inaugural lecture

Politics is medicine on a large scale
Helen Rees delivered her inaugural lecture, titled: Politics is nothing but medicine on a large scale.