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Curios.ty 15 (#Energy): Igniting innovation

- Curiosity

Wits' research magazine focuses on how our researchers are powering up their creativity and expertise to find sustainable energy solutions.

The 15th issue of Wits University’s research magazine, Curios.ty, themed: #Energy, is available online now: (To republish articles, see guidelines below).

Curiosity 15: #Energy ? /curiosity/With a global energy crisis looming – to reduce our emission by 2050 or there won’t be much of a planet left – our researchers are keenly aware of the urgency to find sustainable solutions. Through their research, we investigate the energy and the digital divides, and showcase a pioneering invention that uses Lego-inspired blocks to power up impoverished communities.

We explore our untapped reservoirs of physical and mental energy, and navigate the nuclear, coal, and green hydrogen debates. Read about lightning, fire, woodland and forests as fuel, and how many ants a pangolin must eat to generate enough energy to survive. We also witness the transformation of learning itself and dive into the role of robots, AI, and machine learning in combating the energy crisis.


  1. Rolling blackouts: light at the end of the tunnel (page8): Can South Africa create a new model for many countries facing power shortages, or are we left to muddle in the dark?
  2. Bridging the energy gap with AI (page 20): Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can help catapult South Africa’s energy distribution into the future.
  3. Killing cancer with cryoablation (page 32): Advances in non-invasive interventional oncology mean that early cancer, that can progress to advanced life-threatening cancer, can now be frozen, burnt, microwaved, or otherwise obliterated.
  4. The energy it takes to navigate an ‘able-bodied’ world (page34): The implementation of universal design and access could improve the lives of people with disabilities.
  5. Clean coal’ – the unrecognised game-changing opportunity for South Africa (page 45): Coal has a bad reputation, but ‘clean coal’ holds various potential opportunities.

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Curios.ty is a print and digital magazine that aims to make the research at Wits University accessible to multiple publics. Curios.ty is available on the Wits website here:

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