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Phillip Vallentine Tobias Educational Bursary - 2022


“Professor Phillip Vallentine Tobias is one of South Africa's most renowned scientists(SˇTrkalj & Pather, 2013). As a student and academic of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) he was the epitome of an engaged and active scholar using his knowledge to inspire others and to work for social justice. As part of his legacy, he bequeathed support for the pursuit of scholarly excellence through the Phillip Vallentine Tobias Educational Bursary.


With the support of the PV Tobias Trust a number of bursaries are awarded annually to PhD students at Wits University. These bursaries are awarded based on academic merit, not financial need, and are intended to promote research excellence and encourage academically strong students. Proven academic excellence will be demonstrated by the previous academic record, academic achievements and the potential to be an accomplished scholar in the future.

The bursary can be awarded to South African students with no restriction on the demographics related to gender, race, age or discipline. The recipients are referred to as holders of the Phillip Tobias Educational Bursary.

The bursary is provided for one year, measured from the time of award. It can be extended to a second year if the review committee is convinced by the evidence presented that the student in question is making good progress against the recorded milestones. No extensions beyond a second year may be granted.


The criteria to be used for the selection of awardees are described below.
Hurdles that must be achieved to be considered as eligible include:
  • South African citizenship;
  • Registered at Wits for a PhD degree1 with an approved PhD research proposal2; and
  • A minimum aggregate for the relevant Masters of 75%, which is regarded as a degree awarded with distinction.

Assessment criteria include:

  • The strength of the academic record; and
  • The potential of the candidate to become a published scholar. Evidence would include completed peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, articles in non-peer-reviewed publications and the like; and
  • The strength of support provided by the student’s supervisor and endorsed by the appropriate Head of School. The focus of this support must be on the applicant’s academic excellence and scholarly potential; and 
  • The potential impact of the proposed research, including, where appropriate, the potential for innovation.

Note: Part-time students and Wits staff registered for PhD studies are not eligible to apply. However, Teaching Assistants and tutors whose primary role at Wits is that of being a student may apply.

Operational Processes

At the time of writing the value of the bursary is R62 500 per year of award. This value may be reviewed and adjusted by the Trustees in years to come. At no time will 5 concurrent awards be made in a financial year3.


The call for applications will be advertised annually by emailing this document to the Faculty Assistant Deans of Postgraduate Studies, Heads of School, the Postgraduate 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s Association, and the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office(FASO). An advertorial note will be added to the Wits News and the Wits Intranet.

Applications prepared by students must be emailed to Ms Lucille Mooragan in PDF format before the closing date, 16th February 2022.

Applications will include:

  • A certified copy of the academic record starting from undergraduate degrees; and
  • A detailed CV; and
  • A description of the proposed research, written for the informed lay reader, not exceeding one A4 page(12-point text);
  • A high-level plan for the PhD research showing significant milestones; and
  • Letter of motivation (stating why and how the student meets the criteria, focusing especially on the exceptional academic excellence and scholarly potential of the applicant) provided by the current PhD supervisor and endorsed by the Head of School.


Eligible applications submitted on time will be assessed by the review committee in March 2022. The review committee will comprise of the DVC: Research and Innovation(chair); the University Registrar, the Director for Research Development; the Head of PG Liaison and Head of PG Strategy.

In the event that there are no applications that meet the criteria, or where insufficient numbers of fundable applications are received to make up the maximum number of concurrent awards, then the administration will re-advertise the opportunity.


Awardees must provide a written progress report in December of each year (no matter when the award was made). The report must describe the progress made by the student towards completion of their research project addresses each of the milestones in the application’s plan. The student’s report must be endorsed by the supervisor as accurate and complete. The supervisor must also provide a brief and confidential report on the progress of the student. This report must be endorsed by the Head of School.

Should the awardee seek a second year of support, then the report from the student and the supervisor should indicate this and be motivated using the criteria provided in this document.

Reports must be emailed to Ms Lucille Mooragan in PDF format before the closing date 15th of December 2022. Failure to submit any of the reports would result in the automatic discontinuation of funding for the student or request to refund.

Payment and expenditure of the bursary

The bursary will be paid into the student’s fees account. 

Download PDF PV Tobias Bursary Selection Process


1 The registration must continue for the duration of the bursary period.
2 This may mean that the applicant is in his or her second or even third year of registration. Applications from students that have been registered for periods longer than three years are not eligible. 
3 The financial year will be taken to run from January to December.

SˇTrkalj, G., & Pather, N. (2013). Phillip V. Tobias as an Anatomist. Clinical Anatomy(26), 423 - 429.

