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ORCiD and academic profiles

雷速体育_雷速体育直播 profiles are automatically added to the Wits website when you join the University. This is based on information pulled from the HR system, such as title, position and email address.

Profiles are not manually maintained. Full academic profiles are fully automated and are an integration of the following systems: Human Resources content, ORCiD, and Office 365 (profile image)

ORCID, or the Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a non-proprietary identifier that uniquely collates an author’s published works. This 16-bit identifier pulls together the array of personal names that get attached to your publications. The NRF requires applicants to use an ORCID that will ultimately assist in writing reports as it will pull together all the publications of the applicant into the report. 

  • More information about ORCiD is available on this Libguide 
  • Link ORCiD to your profile
  • Grant permission for the use of your Office 365 image on your profile here
  • For an overview of how the Wits academic profile system works, click here.