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Integrated Molecular Physiology Research Initiative

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Integrated Molecular Physiology Research Initiative

The Integrated Molecular Research Initiative (IMPRI) uses advanced molecular physiology techniques, to address the translational divide between basic scientific research and its clinical applications. IMPRI’s overarching research focus is to improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms and potential treatments of non-communicable diseases.

Currently, our research focuses on two significant contributors to the global public healthcare burden i.e. neurological and mental-health-related disorders, and cardiometabolic disorders. These broad research themes are further divided into specific research projects that address various pathophysiological and treatment aspects of the disorders.

Projects available:

IMPRI may be able to offer projects in areas such as the following:

  • Understanding the mechanisms of novel treatments for depression using animal models and clinical populations.
  • Understanding the pathophysiology of cardiometabolic disorders.
  • Effect of different treatment approaches on the relationship between inflammation, appetite, sleep, and non-communicable disease risk.
  • Prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in South Africa and the impact of altitude on the prevalence and characteristics of RLS.


Prof Aletta Millen

Prof Sooraj Baijnath

Prof Frédéric Michel

Dr Chloe Dafkin

Dr Michael Madziva

Dr Thanujj Kisten

Honorary staff

Dr Sulè Gunter

Dr Lebogang Mokotedi

Dr Colleen Flanagan


Contact person: Aletta Millen

Facebook page: IMPRI
