- Your firm offer will be forfeited should you not accept and register within the specified timeline
- The University may consider reinstating an expired firm offer under exceptional circumstances (subject to space availability)
- Applicants are encouraged to register online using the Self-Service Portal. Click here for a step-by-step Guide
- If you are unable to complete your registration online, or require assistance such as curriculum counselling, you may register on campus by the deadline stipulated in the firm offer letter
- After registering online, you will need to come to campus to:
- Collect your "Kudu" student card from any Kudu Card Office
- Apply for a parking permit via the self-service portal if parking is required and collect your sticker from the Parking Office.
You will be required to provide proof of identification, such as your ID document, valid passport or driver's licence
- Download and read the First Year Newsletter. It contains valuable information about 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Services at Wits, term dates, and much more.