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雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Fees

Fees Booklet

2025 Comprehensive University Fees Book

Residence fees which form part of the University fees book are also available separately on the Campus Housing and Residence Life website.

  • Tuition fees are payable for each course for which a student is registered.
  • Charges ancillary to tuition fees, such as charges for course notes or for excursion costs are not included in the amounts listed. Club membership fees are also not listed. These additional amounts will be reflected on the student's fee account.
  • Other Costs: 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s also need to budget for books, stationery and travel costs, as well as pocket money and sundry expenses.

Please note that we are currently not accepting walk-ins at the Fees Office. All queries should be logged hereThis document will take you through the steps to log your ticket.


First Fee payment

New and returning South African residents, SA permanent residence permit holders and refugee permit holders, are required to make the first payment of R9340 on their fees account prior to registration at the University.

Is the payment refundable?

The first fee payment is not refundable if you subsequently cancel your registration

Is everyone required to make the first payment? 

The following students do not have to pay the first fee payment:

1. NSFAS 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s: Please ensure you have received confirmation from NSFAS that you have been awarded NSFAS funding, or check at to confirm. 

2. WITS Scholarship Recipients: If you have been awarded a scholarship, you do not have to pay the first fee payment. The University Entrance Scholarships are awarded on the basis of NSC matric results to current matric applicants. 

3. External Bursary Holders: If you are being funded by a donor or external bursary please ensure that you have contacted the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office to make sure that your donor has made arrangements to pay your fees.

雷速体育_雷速体育直播s also have the option to postpone the first fee payment by logging into the Self-Service portal and clicking on the "First Fee Payment" tab. After completion of the necessary information, the first fee payment will be waived and the student may proceed with online registration.

Please note, 100% of the total tuition fee must be paid on or before the last working day in March.

Re-registration with historical debt

1. 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s with debt less than R10 000

A student who owes more than R10 000 will only be allowed to register for the 2024 academic year under the following conditions:

  • A student who has a total household income below the Household Income Cap of R600 000, must pay 50% of the outstanding debt;
  • The student must sign an online Acknowledgement of Debt (AOD) arrangement with the University for the duration of the current academic year towards the total outstanding debt;
  • Proof of household income, consent of income verification and motivation for assistance is required
  • A student who owes more than the Re-registration limit and does not fall in the household income category of below the Household Income Cap, will be required to settle the outstanding debt in order to register for the new/current academic year

A student who owes more than R10 000 and does not fall in the category above, will be required to settle the outstanding debt in order to register for the 2024 academic year.

Amounts to be paid

  • Tuition fees are payable for each course for which a student is registered.
  • Charges ancillary to tuition fees, such as charges for course notes or excursion costs, may be included in the account for fees. In the latter case the ancillary charge, while given as a separate entry under the tuition fee, should be included in the calculation of the total amount payable.

Accessing your fee account and full payment of fees

  • Once you have registered, a fees account is generated on self-service
  • The University may alter the payment schedules in keeping with normal accounting practices. Applicants should know, however, that at present fees are due as follows 
  • 100% of the total tuition fee must be paid on or before the last working day in March.
  • Provision is made for the monthly payment of fees - interest is charged on the balance owing.
  • International students who are offered a place must pay 75% of their fees in full before registration, and the remaining 25% by no later than the 31st of March.
  • Occasional students and online course students: Must pay the full fee upfront at registration.
How to pay

Methods of payment

  • Payment should be made in full before the due date(s).
  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 number is to be used as a reference when making payment for student fees.
  • Payments are to be made into the designated University bank account for student fees as communicated by the 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Fees Office.
  • Payments may be made online through the University’s designated student self-service portal.

Bank Account Details:

Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 622 7055 1015
Branch Code: 210 554
Branch: Braamfontein
SWIFT Code: FIRNZAJJ (International students only)
Reference: 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 number (ONLY) Please do not use another reference

  • The payments made directly in the respective banks will reflect the same day on the student account.
  • Payments made from other banks will reflect within 2 working days on the student fee account.
  • Credit and debit card payments with a CVV number can be made through the self-service portal using Master/Visa cards only. For this option visit

DownloadHow to Pay

Do you need help?

Please log a ticket on


Failure to pay fees

The University is not a profit-making institution and views the non-payment of fees in a serious light.

In terms of the University’s fiduciary duties, it is responsible for the collection of all monies owed to it. If fees are not paid, the University may take the following steps:

  • A student may be required to leave the residence if his/her University accommodation fees are not paid.
  • A student will not be allowed to re-register in any faculty until all fees and other monies due to the University, have been paid.
  • A final-year student will not be permitted to graduate.
  • A student’s access to the University or libraries may be denied if s/he does not settle his/her fees or make suitable arrangements with the Fees Office to settle fees.

Any fees not paid will lead to the matter being handed over to the university’s debt collectors for collection.

Interest charges


雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Fees Finance Interest at the rate of prime plus one percent (+1%) will be levied monthly on all outstanding balances as at the last day of each month commencing on 01 July of the academic year. 


Interest at the rate of prime plus one percent (+1%) will be levied monthly on all outstanding balances as at the last day of each month commencing on 01 July of the academic year.

Interest-free payment plan

  • A student who is not able to pay the full amount by the due date may enter into a payment plan agreement by signing an Acknowledgment of Debt (AOD) with the Fees office allowing them to pay off their fees over the remainder of the year.
  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s who meet the obligations of the payment plan are not charged interest.
  • The interest free payment arrangement would be applicable to the following students only: A student who has a total household income below the Household Income Cap.
  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s need to apply for the AOD before the payment due date for interest not to be charged.
  • The following documents are required for the evaluation for eligibility and approval of the AOD: 
    • Proof of household income,
    • Consent of Income verification and
    • Motivation for assistance is required.
  • All AOD’s need to be signed before 30 June, for outstanding fees.
  • Second semester students will have until 30 September to sign their AOD

Self-funded students

  • Should a student have paid, but the payment is not reflected in the student’s fee account, the student must immediately contact the Fees Office and provide proof of payment to assist with allocation of funds.
  • A student who owes less than R15 000 and has a gross household income of less than R600 000, may sign an AOD and be permitted to graduate. The AOD must be submitted to the Fees office no later than the Finance cutoff date to the Fees Office.
  • Proof of gross household income and or payslip and motivation for Graduation AOD assistance is required.
  • The cutoff date for the payment of debt in order to graduate will be the date set by Fees and Financial Aid provided by the Examinations and Graduation Office (EGO) on an annual basis.

Sponsored students

  • 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s who receive funding or financial aid will be eligible to graduate if all fees are paid in full prior to the finance graduation cut-off date for the graduation programme. These dates are provided by the EGO (Examinations and Graduation Office) on an annual basis.
  • Should a sponsor have paid, but the payment is not reflecting in the student’s fee account, the student must immediately contact FASO (Financial Aid and Scholarships Office) and provide proof of payment to assist with allocation of funds.
  • Where NSFAS has not paid a student’s fees, but is confirmed in writing that the student is legitimately funded by NSFAS, the student may choose to sign an acknowledgement of debt (AOD). If the student does not sign an AOD then participation in the graduation ceremony will be withheld.
Debt Relief Forms
Apply for Own Credit

Own Credit (Refund) Application

雷速体育_雷速体育直播s may apply for credits that are on their Fee account due to overpayment, deregistration or subsequent bursary payment resulting in a credit balance on the student fee account.

The following rules will apply:

  1. The refund will only be for own monies paid. 雷速体育_雷速体育直播s will need to upload Proof of payment, ID and letter were applicable on the Wits self-service portal. (
  2. If the student has paid together with a Sponsor, a letter will be required from the Sponsor for the excess funds to be refunded to the student.
  3. International students are required to submit their 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Own credit request via ITSM ( Please download the manual student own credit form; complete the form and upload via the ITSM ( for assistance.

How to apply for Credit

First, you will need to add your banking details to the system:

  • Login to self-service
  • Click on the “My Bank Account” tile
  • Click on the “Add / Update Account” tab
  • Follow the instructions

Secondly, Claim your Credit on your student fee account: 

  • Login to self-service
  • Select the “Apply for Own Credit” tile
  • Select  “Begin New Application" or "Continue Existing Application
  • Follow the instructions

Should you have any queries, please contact the Fees office on +27(0)11 717 1531 or log a service request on

Any incomplete fields or incorrect documentation supplied by you will result in delays in processing your application.

雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Loans

Most major banking institutions offer student loans at attractive interest rates. Interest rates may decrease for consecutive years of study. Normally bank loans cover the duration of study and are repaid once you start working or once you have graduated.

Some banks offer a grace period to students who are completing internships, articles or community service. In most instances, you are required to repay the interest while still studying.

Sometimes surety/security is required, which means that a relative, friend or sponsor must guarantee to repay the loan if you fail to do so.

Loan Providers
