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[ . . .] Ellipses Journal

[ . . .] Ellipses Journal of Creative Research is an online collaborative platform, drawing editors and contributors into creative dialogue with digital arts practitioners, and encouraging interactive and digitally published scholarship. The journal asks what discourses, paradigms, tropes or structures shape or censor different kinds of knowledge production, and how can alternative modes of meaning-making imagine and make possible a more just and liveable world.  The journal positions itself in an explicitly Global South perspective – rooted in the local, open to the diasporic and informed by a range of practices, processes and tactics that deviate from conventional, analytical and colonial modes of knowledge production. 

[…] Ellipses was collectively founded in 2015 at the Wits School of Arts and has been funded by ARA since 2017.  The journal is  steered by Editorial Board  with local, regional and international members, and has published three issues and one special edition to date.
