Theatre and Performance
The four-year BA in Theatre and Performance programme covers the historical and theoretical developments in drama and film, as well as the theoretical and practical study of theatre, performance, and cognate disciplines.
Career Opportunities
- Choreographer
- Critics
- Director
- Designer
- Performer
- Production and Arts Manager
- Teachers/Facilitators/Academics
- Theatre-Maker
- Theorists
- Writer
Course (A) is taken in the first semester and Course (B) in the second semester.
- Film Visual and Performing Arts [FVPA] – about interpreting the work made by others – across all artistic disciplines - first and second semester [academic course] compulsory
- Performance Practice first and second semester [professional course] compulsory
- Theatre and Production first and second semester [professional course] compulsory
- African Language – first and second-semester academic course [you choose from several language options] compulsory
A student is required to complete two semester courses in one of the following languages: isiZulu or Sesotho or South African Sign Language (SASL). If a student is proficient in any two of the three languages (isiZulu, Sesotho or SASL), the student is advised to do one of the following:
- register in a first-language stream for two courses in isiZulu or Sesotho,
- register for two courses in any one of the following: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish, or
- formally apply to the Dean for exemption from the requirement to register for a language subject. Where an exemption has been granted, students must add a course/s yielding at least 36 credits in a subject approved by Senate. A student may also be granted a credit if s/he has completed the same or an equivalent course.
- FVPA [first semester] & Theatre Arts [second semester] compulsory
- Performance Practice [both semesters] compulsory
- Theatre and Production [both semesters] compulsory
- Theatre Arts [second semester] compulsory
- Theatre Arts [first semester]; FVPA [second semester] compulsory
- You select TWO professional courses from the following options:
- Directing, Design, Performance Studies, Physical Theatre, Writing, Musical Theatre, Cultural Policy and Management or Drama for Life [Applied Drama]
- Research Project OR Long essay by Independent Study – across the whole year compulsory
- You select TWO professional courses from the following options:
- Directing, Design, Performance Studies, Physical Theatre, Writing, Musical Theatre, Cultural Policy and Management or Drama for Life [Applied Drama]
Entry Requirements
Applicants will be thoroughly assessed on their discursive and academic abilities.
Minimum Admission Requirements [Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission for any applicant].
National Senior Certificate [NSC]:
Each candidate requires an APS of at least 34 points and a minimum of 60% for English Home Language OR English First Additional Language, as well as a successful audition in order to be considered for acceptance into the BATAP degree. The 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Enrolment Centre communicates a FIRM offer only, and not the Wits School of Arts (WSoA).
Applicants with 30-33 APS points and at least 60% for English Home Language OR English First Additional Language, as well as a successful audition will be wait-listed, subject to place availability in January.
International Qualifications:
Relevant exemption from the SA Matriculation Board
English Language O/IGCSE Level A-C | AS Level A-C | A Level A-C
Audition Preparation and Requirements
The audition process is aimed at identifying your suitability for the programme. A panel of academic staff from the Theatre and Performance department will assess you.
Applicants are required to prepare a monologue, which must be performed in front of the selection panel. This should not be longer than 1 - 1.5 minutes. [This time limit should be strictly adhered to and if you exceed the time limit, you may be stopped by the selection panel]
You may select a monologue from one of the options provided [see pages 5 - 11]. Alternatively, you can choose to perform a monologue of your own choice, as long as it is from a published play.
PLEASE NOTE: No self-written monologues or monologues from the internet will be accepted.
For applicants who hope to study design, directing, physical theatre, musical theatre or writing please motivate these interests and any images of their work if they have been involved in these disciplines at school or extramurally.
Audition Format and Conduct
The audition will involve workshops and activities in which you will be required to participate. Please make sure you arrive for the audition with comfortable working clothing [tracksuit pants, T-shirt, takkies]. Please bring water and a snack if you require it.
The audition will begin with a group warm-up including improvisation and a short workshop on devising theatre and you will perform your your monologue.
The academic staff may take a moment during the audition to engage with you and your views on events and theatre-related isssues in South Africa and the world.
You will be assessed based on your ability to:
- Make creative work
- Perform
- Discuss it insightfully, both orally and in writing
University Application Process
- The 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 Enrolment Centre at Wits handles all student applications.
- Please click here for an overview of the application process.
- Check the admission requirements for your degree. Check if any additional selection requirements apply.
- Submit your application, required documentation and application fee before the closing date.
- Once you have applied, an admissions consultant will be assigned to your application.
- Applicants can monitor the progress of their applications via the Self Service Portal.
- If you are an international applicant and/or have a foreign qualification, please click here.
Compliance with the minimum requirements does not guarantee a place at the University. The University has a specific number of places for first year undergraduates, approved by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Final selection is made subject to the availability of places, academic results and other entry requirements where applicable.
University Fees and Funding
Click here to see the current average tuition fees for the first year of study. The Fees website also provides information about the payment of fees and closing dates for fees payments. Once you have applied you will be able to access the fees estimator on the student self-service portal.
The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office provides information on student funding and scholarships. University-funded Scholarships include Vice-Chancellor's Scholarships, University Entrance Scholarships, Equality Scholarships, Sports Scholarships and National Olympiad winner awards. For information about NSFAS funding, please visit the NSFAS website. External bursaries portal: The Bursaries South Africa website provides a comprehensive list of bursaries in South Africa.