Alternative ways to get access to Wits library unsubscribed resources.
Alternative ways to get access to Wits library unsubscribed resources.
This page is premised on the fact that no single library can subscribe to all the information resources required by all its users. Wits 雷速体育_雷速体育直播 is no exception. Please find alternative ways to get unsubscribed resources.
1.Wits Interlibrary Loans (ILL), for academics and postgraduate students. To fulfil requests for resources not held by Wits 雷速体育_雷速体育直播.
Install browser plug-in to unpaywall and Open Access button.
- Unpaywall is a free, open-source project dedicated to making scholarly research more open, accessible, and reusable. When you view a paywalled academic article, Unpaywall automatically checks its public database of 16 million legal, open-access articles. If there is an open version somewhere, you will see a green tab on the article. Click the tab and read free, legally!
- OA Button helps you request a free version from the author if none is found through the Unpaywall. To install the Open Access Button see Open Access
- Free eBooks and Etextbooks for students from industry-leading experts and professors.
- Google Scholar helps find relevant work across the world of scholarly research. Search by article Google Scholar Google Scholar
Institutional Repositories (IR) is for content published in paid-for journals and then self-archived as discipline repositories
- Africarxiv - preprint service for African scientist.
- Arxiv physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics.
- BioRxiv - for biology.
- Engineering archive
- PhilSci - an electronic archive specifically tailored to and run by philosophers of science, including general philosophy of science, philosophy of particular sciences (physics, biology, chemistry, psychology, etc.), feminist philosophy of science, socially relevant philosophy of science, history and philosophy of science and history of the philosophy of science.
- PsyArXiv - for Psychological sciences.
- PubMed - for biomedical and life sciences.
6. Academic Social Networks (ASN) is for articles that are shared by authors through social networks.
- Academia is the easiest way to share papers with millions of people across the world,free from +129 478 660 academics and reseachers.Academia
- Research Gate
- Mendeley
- Humanities Commons
- Twitter - Use Twitter to make a request using #icanhazpdf
7. CORE – Aggregating the world’s open access research papers